Welcome to Bitachon Breakthroughs with Rabbi Mendel Kaplan

Immerse yourself in the rich teachings of Bitachon - the Trust in God - and enrich your spiritual journey. Join Rabbi Mendel Kaplan, Spiritual Leader and Executive Director of Chabad Flamingo, as he guides you through the transformative wisdom of Torah.

Join Our Email List For Insight, Guidance, And Exclusive Content

By becoming a part of our community, you'll gain access to:

- Weekly Bitachon Breakthroughs: Delve into Rabbi Kaplan's weekly email filled with thought-provoking reflections and insights on Bitachon. Allow these teachings to guide your week and inspire your faith journey.

- Special Live Sessions: Participate in exclusive webinars and shiurim (lectures) with Rabbi Kaplan. Deepen your understanding of Bitachon and connect with our thriving community.

- The Bitachon Blueprint: Navigating the Path of Divine Trust' PDF: A comprehensive guide to understanding and implementing the principles of Bitachon in your daily life. This guide is a free gift to all new email subscribers. 

Discover the depth of Bitachon and experience its transformative impact on your life. Let Rabbi Kaplan guide you on this incredible journey.

Fill out the form below to begin this transformative journey.